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The following questions have been answered and explained in the following video: 1 How is the word “discourse” usually defined? 2 What is the basic difference between cohesion and coherence? 3 How do speakers mark completion points at the end of a turn? 4 What is a “filled pause”? 5 How do we describe these regular conversational patterns? Hi ~ Hello and Bye ~ See you later 6 What is an “insertion sequence”? 7 Which maxim involves not saying things you believe to be false? 8 Which maxim does this speaker seem to be particularly careful about? I won’t bore you with all the details, but it wasn’t a pleasant experience. 9 What are hedges in discourse? 10 In the study of discourse understanding, what are scripts? 11 Which maxim does this speaker seem to be particularly careful about? I may be mistaken, but I thought I saw a wedding ring on his finger. Discourse Analysis The Study of Language Study Questions: #thestudyoflanguagestudyquestions Follow me at the following platforms: You Tube: Follow me at Facebook: Follow me at Twitter: Follow me at Instagram: Follow me at Tumblr: Follow me at Mix: Follow me at VK Follow me at Linkedin: